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Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

Regular price $ 13.95

NAME: Idido Cooperatve
ORIGIN: Ethiopia
REGION: Yirgacheffe
FARM: Many small-holding farms
VARIETAL: Ethiopian heirloom varieties
ALTITUDE: 1800-2100 MASL
PROCESS METHOD: Full Washed and Sun Dried

Idido Cooperative is under the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU) umbrella. This cooperative has approximately 50,000 farmers in 24 cooperatives. They harvest coffee from December through February.

Most farms in Ethiopia are from small-holders on .7 ha of land on average. Coffee has its origins in Ethiopia. A goat herder found his goats acting odd and full of energy, jumping and kicking. He found that his goats were grazing on coffee trees. The berries were picked from the trees and brought back to the village where the people made a wine and than later roasted the bean.

Cupper Notes:

  • Tropical
  • Sweet
  • Nice tart apple
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