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Kenya AA

Regular price $ 14.50

NAME: AA Kagumo
REGION: Central Kenya, Nyeri District, Tetu Division
FARM: Many small-holding farms
VARIETAL: SL 28 and SL34 and Ruiru 11
ALTITUDE: 1400-1600 MASL
PROCESS METHOD: Full Washed and Sun Dried

Farmers in Aguthi planted their coffee trees in the early 1950s.. The coop has four wet mills: Gaaki, Thageini, Gititu and Kagumo. It is located on the highly productive western slopes of Mt Kenya and on the eastern slopes of the Abadare Ranges.The coop is managed by seven committee members. The secretary manager is the executive officer responsible for day to day management of the coop activities, supported by 60 permanent staff. The coop has a membership of 4,000 farmers.

Farmers selectively hand pick red ripe cherries that are delivered for wet milling the same day. The parchment is then fermented, washed and sun dried . Dry parchment is milled and bagged at Kofinaf mills, marketed by SMS Ltd. The coffee is then sold either through the Nairobi auction or direct to overseas buyers.

Timely and selective hand-picking is carried out at Kagumo wet mill. Cherry is delivered to the wet mill the same day it is picked, and cherry sorting is carried out at the wet mill prior to pulping. Red ripe cherries are separated from underipes, overipes and foreign matter. Processing utilizes clean river water (wet processing) that is recirculated before disposal into seepage pits. Sun drying is done before delivery of the coffee to the dry mill for secondary processing.

The production of Kagumo wet mill currently stands at an average of 200,000kg of cherry.

Cupper Notes:

  • Balanced
  • Cream body
  • Sweet, Black cherry
  • Plum notes, Orange

Roaster Notes:

  • Great Espresso blending bean
  • Blends well for customer blending, but expensive
  • Easy roast, even morphology
  • Peaked past 7+ days


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