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Organic Papua New Guinea Arokara Estate

Regular price $ 14.95

ORIGIN: Papua New Guinea
REGION: Jiwaka Province
FARM: Koban Plantation
VARIETAL: 60% Arusha, 30% Typica, 10% Caturra
PROCESS METHOD: Full Washed and Sun Dried

Papua New Guinea is mostly mountainous with coastal lowlands and rolling hills. It's tropical climate has an average rainfall if 1.8m annually. Papua New Guinea has approximately 1000 different cultural groups (or tribes), each with their own dialect; one of the most diverse places in the world.

Output represents nearly 1% of the total world production. Most of the coffee is grown by small-holders but there remains several coffee plantations owned by colonials. Coffee production started in the 1920's with Jamaican Blue Mountain seeds, although some claim coffee has been grown here since the 1890's.

Coffee from the Koban Plantation is wet-milled and dry-milled on site. The wet-mill uses large disk pulpers and fermentation tanks. Coffee is fermented for three days and washed multiple times during the process, then dried for 5-7 days. It is then hulled and placed into wooden conditioning bins for several weeks. This homogenizes and stabilizes moisture content and gives it an extremely nice bright-green appearance.

Cupper Notes:

  • Creamy Body
  • Caramel Clove Flavoring
  • Herbal and Apricot Finish

Roaster Notes:

  • Second Crack, Usually Darker
  • Standes to peak well after 14 days
  • Even Bean, Stands well on own


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